Children with various development issues/disorders are identified through community surveys or referred to HOPE Centre by its
volunteers or any other hospitals in the locality. Then the requirement of each case is analysed and considered based on the financial status of
the family. Priority in admission is given for children from poorest of the poor families at completely free of cost.

Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Facilities under one roof
Children from most poor families are given preference as they don’t have any such option to provide standard care and rehabilitation.
All rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy and special education are
offered with goal oriented approach using advanced tools and facilities. Each cases are followed up through regular reviews and re-evaluation
in consultation with parents. In addition separate training and livelihood support programs are also organised for parents to bring
them into leading role in our journey.
How our services convert Disability into Ability?
The purpose of rehabilitation of children with special needs lies in converting their disabilities into abilities. The services we offer at
HOPE Early Invention Centre is conceptualised keeping this value in mind. Each case is attended by a team of rehabilitation professionals
that each member is drawn from specific domain related to child development. The services of these professionals are provided through dedicated departments such as Physical Medicine Rehabilitation,
Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Behavioural Therapy, Special Education, Psychology and Social Work.

Physical Medicine Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine Rehabilitation department headed by a well experienced Physiatrist plays main role in initial consultation with the
parents/care takers of special need children. They will prepare case file by talking to parents/care takers and record all aspects of the child in a
proper organised way. Based on the consultation each child will be directed to concerned departments where they will be undergo domain
specific assessment followed by intervention. PMR department will contribute in emergency situations also to ensure any support needed
for the child. All other medical complications and emergencies during course of treatment are also handled by this department. And regular
reviews and proper referrals are made this section.
Paediatric physiotherapy deals with the treatment of children who need range of motion, strength, coordination, postural control, quality
of movement and gross motor development. Paediatric physiotherapy plays an integral role in comprehensive rehabilitation of children
with Cerebral palsy, Delayed milestones, Congenital syndromes, Traumatic brain injury, Premature birth or any post-surgical
orthopaedic conditions Early diagnosis and treatment help children to improve their functional mobility & strength making them more


Clinical child psychologists are primarily specialized in understanding the basic psychological needs of children and
adolescents and how the family and social contexts influence their cognitive development, socio - emotional adjustment, behavioural
adaptation and health status.
Special Education
Special Education focuses on systematically monitored teaching procedures with adapted equipment and materials to help learners with
special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success at school and community.

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy helps to coordinate the mechanics of speech with the social use of language. Speech therapy focuses on ability to
understand language and ability to use ideas to express. When a speech or language problem is identified and treated early in a child, it is
unlikely that the problem will persist or get worse.
Occupational Therapy
Primary goal of Occupational Therapy (OT) is to assist children and adolescents to reach their individual potential while participating in
daily life routines at home, school and in the community. Skills include self-feeding, dressing, personal care, play, social skills and
home tasks. Additionally, Occupational Therapists address visual skills and cognitive abilities as they relate to tasks. They help the child learn
to work with their limitations whether everyday they are physical or sensory based.

Parents Empowerment

Women Wing of HOPE with its active 13 volunteers conducts variety of parent empowerment programmes. This includes skill
training for cake making, art & craft, bottle designing, paper bag making and pickle making etc. It’s expected that these initiatives will
improve the livelihood opportunities of the families of special needs and it will contribute to their physical and mental wellbeing.
Community Awareness and Help Desk - HOPE Connect
Under a reputed social worker, community extension activities of Hope centre are organised. Exclusive Legal Cell and Help Desk set up for people with special needs and their families have served hundreds of people to avail government schemes such as Niraamaya Insurance
Scheme, Guardianship Programme and Scholarship from Local bodies. Separate drive has been conducted to ensure that all children in the centre have received Disability Certificate and Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID). Social Worker will also address broader issues
related to the special need child and families. Main focus will be given to complete rehabilitation services in stipulated timeframe. Social Worker will conduct community programmes and family gathering to sensitise and educate the targeted people on various aspects playing
crucial role in disability education. Social Worker will be actively involved in conducting regular programmes and events in collaboration with various agencies and organisations.